User's Manual

User Manual v1.0
UM - Everon 6000 DAS - 14-APR-2021 - clear of comments.docx| March 2021 |Page 150 of 202
The Supported Bands tab lists all the bands supported by the dL/M/HRU. Clicking on a band shows the band
information. In the example below information about the AWS band is displayed:
The Optical Links tab has information about the optical links of the dL/M/HRU. Each optical link indicates the
colour of the most severe alarm related to it. When clicking on one of the inputs, information about the link
appears. In the example below there are 3 input links because the DRAUL is connected to 3 DRU ports. link
number 2 was clicked and the information of this link is displayed:
Bands supported