User's Manual

User Manual v1.0
UM - Everon 6000 DAS - 14-APR-2021 - clear of comments.docx| March 2021 |Page 156 of 202 Security
Access security is provided by definitions of user operators created by the system administrator. Operators
are used to limit access to specific devices so that only devices allocated to a operator are accessible by
members of that operator.
The Security tab allows the definition of the operators and the system users. The following three types of
users are supported:
System administrator: Single user of the highest level that can create operators with dedicated
operator administrators. Only the system administrator can create new operators.
Operator administrator: Automatically created for each operator that is created by the system
Operator users: Defined by the corresponding operator administrator. Five hard-coded access levels are
available per operator:
Table 29: Operator Users Access Levels
R/O access to Devices and Events screens.
R/O Access to Devices and Events screens.
Write access to
free text parameters to allow the definition of location and identification
RF Tech
Access to the Devices, Config, Events and Channels screens:
x Write access to all RF parameters.
x R/O to all other parameters.
IT Tech
Access to the Devices and Admin screens:
x Write access to all non-RF parameters.
x Access to activity logs of all users and operators.
Operators and
access levels