User's Manual

User Manual v1.0
UM - Everon 6000 DAS - 14-APR-2021 - clear of comments.docx| March 2021 |Page 165 of 202 Activity Log
The Activity Log is used to view activities such as configuration changes, according to a range of criteria such
as User, Time, Operator, etc. The information can be saved in *.csv format (can be opened with MS-Excel).
The full log list of all user activities is displayed:
The activity log display can be changed in the following ways:
Rows Per Page can be changed to list a different number of activities per page. Page navigation is at the
bottom of the screen.
Enter a specific value in Search field (serial number, exact time and date, etc.) to display only the
activities that match the search criteria.
Click on a specific header (i.e. Time) to rearrange activities according to the selected criteria in
ascending or descending order.
Use the FILTERS button to limit the displayed information according to device type, action type, and