Project Ideas

Q: What is the best time of year to prune?
Although it all depends on your pruning objectives, most trees can be pruned year-round, if pruned properly.
In fact, winter can often be the best time for an arborist to prune. Since the leaves are off, the view of the entire
tree’s architecture is clear and a thorough check can be performed. They can locate deadwood by looking for
changes in branch color, fungus growth, cracks, and other symptoms that can help them make this determination.
It’s worth noting that some areas may have pruning restrictions in place if a particular insect or disease is a
problem. Contact your local county extension offi ce to fi nd any pruning restrictions.
Q: How often do I need to have my trees pruned?
Trees have deadwood pruned out regularly, at least once per year.
Q: What tools do I need to prune my own trees?
If you are pruning a smaller tree, the three basic tools are: hand pruners, loppers, and hand saws. Remember that
these tools need to be sharp and clean to ensure success. Do not use shears to shape young trees. If the tree is
larger and requires more attention, contact an arborist or tree care company.
Q: What is the difference between pollarding, reducing and topping?
These three practices are often confused. Some disreputable tree care companies will purposefully use the
wrong term to confuse the homeowner.