Instructions / Assembly

cut back the main stem of an especially spindly bare-
root plant to encourage branching.
Mature Trees
Mature trees that have been pruned since planting re-
quire little besides maintenance care: removal of dead
or damaged wood or the occasional general thinning
to allow more air into the crown. Always cut large
limbs back to a live branch or the main trunk. Most
branches have an obvious, sometimes wrinkled, swell-
ing at their base. This is the bark-collar, an area where
cell growth is especially abundant and wound closure
is rapid. Make your final cut just outside this collar.
1 2 3
Use the tree-cut method when sawing off a large branch. First make
an undercut at least 6 inches from the bark collar. Then, about an inch
beyond that, remove the limb with a top cut. Finally, remove the
remaining stub with one smooth cut from top to bottom just
outside the bark collar. With a very big limb, first reduce its length by
removing it in sections.
If possible, remove branches that form a deep V-shaped crotch. Such
crotches are vulnerable to wind damage and can cause rot. Wide
crotch angles are stronger.