Corona's Principles of Planting How to Guide

Selecting the Right Tools:
The best long-handled tools for planting will have
smooth, close-grained wooden handles made of
American ash, sturdy berglass or all-steel. Handles
should be closely tted and securely attached to the
head of the tool. This is a stress point when the tool
is in use, so pay particular attention when comparing,
looking for any signs of looseness or other inherent
weakness in construction. When selecting a shovel,
look for one that has a riveted head-to-handle
connection or is welded.
Bear in mind, too, that the heavier the business end
of a digging tool, the less work you have to do as the
weight of the spade or shovel head will help to drive it
into the soil. And a long handle helps to leverage the
soil as you turn it.