Corona's Principles of Planting How to Guide

Shovel or spade? or both?
There’s a difference, so avoid using the terms
interchangeably. A shovel has a long handle, a large
blade (sometimes called the scoop) and either a
pointed end or a fl at end. The former is best for large
digging projects in the landscape, such as preparing
planting holes for trees and shrubs, or prepping a bed
or border for planting; the latter for shifting (shoveling)
gravel, compost or other soil materials.
A spade has a shorter handle and a smaller blade that
is most often at not scooped, but like a shovel can be
either pointed or at ended. The pointed blades are good
for working in places where surrounding plants have
created a matrix of roots that must be sliced through,
for breaking up the bottom of planting holes, and for
working in compost. Flat-edged spades are useful for
working in loose friable soil as found in established
vegetable gardens.
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