Corona's Principles of Planting How to Guide

Even if a plant is considered “drought tolerant,” it
will require regular irrigation until it is established by
the second or third growing season. Here are some
guidelines to remember:
• Group plants together according to their water
needs. Moisture-loving plants will thrive in a
community with other plants that require the same
level of irrigation. The same is true of plants that
prefer a free-draining, dry site.
• Water slowly, deeply and infrequently rather than
often and sparsely.
• Roots move toward moisture, so be sure to water
both the plant’s original root ball and the soil around
it — helping ensure that roots move out into the
native garden soil. It is important to water deeply to
penetrate down into the root zone as light watering
will only encourage roots to grow toward the surface
of the soil where they’ll be vulnerable to drought
and disease.
• After the rst year or once the plants are clearly
well-established and growing strongly, reduce the
frequency of watering.