Corona's Principles of Pruning How to Guide

pruning would require a ladder, your wisest move is
to call in a professional. Pruning without the proper
knowledge and training can not only lead to accidents,
but do long-term damage to a tree, causing it to decline
or die.
Certifi ed arborists are trained not only in safety but in
tree care. They know how each kind of tree needs to
be pruned to preserve its characteristic form.
Eliminating hazards: As a tree grows overtime, it
becomes more beautiful, casts more shade and adds
more to the value of the property. But it also becomes
larger and heavier. Over time, some branches may
crack in high winds, become infected with disease or
start to rot. Rather than waiting for them to fall and
cause damage, have a professional arborist check
large trees regularly.
A professional can remove problem branches before
they become unstable, as well as checking the tree’s
overall health.
Each species has a different natural lifespan; some
trees naturally begin to decay in just a few decades,
and others may live for hundreds of years. A trained
professional will know what hazards and stresses to
look for in each species. Regular professional pruning
can often extend the life of a tree so you can enjoy its
beauty safely for many years to come.
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