Corona's Principles of Pruning How to Guide

The principal reasons for pruning are:
• To produce more or better blooms and/or fruits.
To develop or maintain a desired size or appearance.
Most of us have small gardens and vigorous modern
plants. Prune to save room for an interesting
variety of plants and to keep plants from becoming
leggy or scrubby.
To re-establish a balance between root and branch
systems after transplanting.
To train a young plant. Pruning now to encourage
balanced, open growth saves effort later.
To rejuvenate, older, neglected shrubs. Removal
of old, over crowded stems or limbs encourages
the growth of vigorous young ones.
The principal reasons for pruning are:
To maintain health. Regular removal of dead or
diseased wood keeps plants healthy. Maintenance
pruning includes removal of dense growth to let
light and air reach the inner and lower stems.
• To repair injury. Damaged wood, whatever the
cause, is not unsightly, it is an open invitation
to disease-causing organisms.
Proper pruning improves shrubs and trees in any number of important respects, but improper pruning
can be more harmful than none at all. Confi dence and skill in pruning is gained through experience,
so do not shy away from the task. On the other hand, understand the basics before proceeding.
Download the companion guide
Principles of Planting