Corona's Principles of Pruning How to Guide

When selecting a pruning tool, the most important
thing to consider, is it the right tool for the job. The
right tool will assure that you are successful, get the
job done confi dently instead of quickly, is better for
the plant or tree and save excess wear and tear on
you. Tools are an investment so purchase the best tool
you can afford. Quality tools, when properly cared for,
will last many seasons and do a far better job than
cheaply made ones. Both you and your plants will
bene t so choosing the right, quality tools from the
start, will provide years of lasting performance.
All backyard pruning can be done with just three or
four single hand tools. If a job calls for power tools,
it is probably not a pruning job and you should seek a
certifi ed professional. See
Recommended tools for proper pruning
A pair of hand pruners is a necessity. Choose them
carefully and select the pruner that is comfortable
in your hand and is best suited for the job you intend
to do.
There are two styles of hand pruners:
Bypass which employ scissor-like cutting (cutting
blade passes by the hook) of fresh, green limbs and
branches. They are the ideal
choice for making the clean-
est, closest cuts that will help
plants heal faster and leave
minimal opportunity for dis-
eases. If you are cutting limbs
or vines with sap, look for one
with a sap groove to prevent
the blade from gumming up
and sticking together.
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