User's Manual

evoDrive User Guide Elster AMCO Water
TD520-02 Page 12 of 42 Draft 4 – 1June09
9 The Loading Rout e progress bar will appear
Troubleshoot ing
I f you receive t he evoDrive Error
m essage, click OK and pr oceed to
troubleshoot as follows:
1. Ensure t hat all cable connections
are secure at both ends.
2. Replace any cables t hat m ay be
3. Verify t hat pow er is applied t o
bot h t he evoDrive not ebook PC
and t he Mobile Collect or.
4. Call Elster AMCO wat er, I nc.
( 866- 896- 8879) if t he source of
the problem cannot be ident ified.
5. Aft er t he problem is solved, shut
down and restart the syst em :
6. Shut down and rest art bot h t he
not ebook PC and t he Mobile
7. Begin again at St ep 1 of t he Load
the Rout File Procedure.
You m ay now begin t o drive your
rout e. The m ap will m ove and rot ate
as needed t o keep the blue car in t he
approxim ate center of t he screen.
9 The rout es GPS locations will now display on
the m ap as black circles. The evoDrive location
is indicated by t he blue car
and t he
int errogat ion window is shown as a blue circle
near t he vehicle.
9 You will not e t hat t he Load Rout e but ton has
been replaced wit h t he Stop Rout e but t on and
the STOP/ Quit but t on is deactivat ed while
reading is in progress.
9 Dat a will now appear in t he fields t o t he right
and bot t om of t he screen. ( See Reading t he
Screen Display sect ion next .)
9 The St atus bar at t he bott om of t he evoDrive
window will display evoDrive Online and
Reading aft er t he evoDrive is ready t o read.
5. I f t he evoDrive not ebook PC and t he evoDrive
Mobile Collector do not successfully establish
com m unication, go t hrough t he Troubleshooting
section t o t he right .
NOTE: I f t he evoDrive not ebook PC does
est ablish com m unicat ion with t he evoDrive
Mobile Collector aft er approxim ately 3
m inut es it will tim eout and reset.