User's Manual

evoDrive User Guide Elster AMCO Water
TD520-02 Page 25 of 42 Draft 4 – 1June09
begins updating or recording t o t he
9 Updat e Retrace File
o The Ret race File records all vehicle
m ovem ent s on t he rout e.
o When you act ivat e Updat e Ret race
File by checking it s box, t he program
begins updating or recording your
vehicles path along the route.
Manual Ent r y Orde r Opt ions
This allows you t o change t he order in which t he
digit s in a m anual ent ry are ent ered.
9 Left t o Right This default select ion is
recom m ended.
9 Right t o Left
Audible Tones Opt ions
This sect ion allows you to select t he condit ions
under which t he evoDrive will provide an audible
signal. Select as desired.
9 Beep on Good Reads
9 Beep on Bad Reads
9 No Beep on Reads
GPS Pa r a m et ers Options
9 Window Size
o Use t he [ - ] and [ + ] icons t o change
the window size.
9 GPS Com Port
o This should not need t o be changed
from the default value ( 6) .
9 GPS Baud Rate
o This should not be changed from t he
default value ( 9600) .
9 Snap t o Roads
o This feature causes t he im age of
your vehicle t o m ove closely t o t he
road you are current ly on in your
9 Rotat e Map wit h Van ( Vehicle) Direct ion
o This opt ion is a m at t er of preference.
W h e n D a ta log ACCTS Ent er W indow Opt ions
This feat ure is not current ly available in t his
version of evoDrive. That s why t he t wo opt ions
are grayed out .
9 Beep
9 Aut om at ically St art Dat alog Reads