User's Manual

evoDrive User Guide Elster AMCO Water
TD520-02 Page 34 of 42 Draft 4 – 1June09
e vo Drive Da ta / Sta tus Displa ys
The areas t o t he right and bot tom of t he evoDrive display
screen provide dynam ic inform at ion regarding t he current
route reading session.
Right Side Bar
The evoDrive right side bar is shown t o t he right .
Rout e N am e
The Rout e Nam e displays t he current rout e ident ification.
The evoRTM section displays various data about evoRTM
endpoints in t he current rout e. Details provided in t his
display are:
9 Read
o Displays t he num ber of evoRTM endpoint s
in t his rout e t hat have been successfully
9 Unr ead
o Displays t he num ber of evoRTM endpoint s
not yet read. This includes bad reads and
any ot her int errogat ed but not successfully
read condit ion.
9 Tota l
o Displays num ber of account s ( evoRTM
endpoint s) in current rout e.
9 Out of Rout e
o Displays t he num ber of evoRTM endpoint s
that have been detect ed that are not part of
this route.
9 I n W indow
o I ndicat es t he num ber of evoRTM endpoint s
that are current ly within t he evoDrive
system s int errogat ion window ( blue circle
on m ap display).
9 W indow Size
o Displays t he window size in feet. I f Dynam ic
Window is turned on, t his num ber will
increase and decrease cont inually t o
att em pt t o m aint ain a m axim um of 25
evoRTM endpoint s in t he window. I f
Dynam ic Window is off, t his num ber will