User's Manual

LX220N User Manual
System Log
Choose Management > Log Configuration. The System Log page shown in
the following figure appears.
This page displays event log data in the chronological manner. You can read the
event log from the local host or send it to a system log server. In this page, you
can enable or disable the system log function.
To log the events, take the following steps.
Step 1 Select Enable Log check box.
Step 2 Select the display mode from the Mode drop-down list.
Step 3 Enter the Server IP Address and Server UDP Port if the Mode is set
to Both or Remote.
Step 4 Click Apply to apply the settings.
Step 5 Click View System Log to view the detail information of system log.
5.4 Status
In the main interface, click Status tab to enter the Status menu as shown in the
following figure. The submenus are Device Info, Wireless Clients, DHCP