User's Manual

Table Of Contents
5. Fix the K5 unit to the harness through the screw on the bottom of it.
Fixing HR elastic belt on the subject
To assemble the HR belt:
1. Attach the elastic strap to the HR belt.
2. Adjust the strap to fit tightly and comfortably around the subject’s thorax.
3. Secure the strap tightly around the chest (below the nipple line) and lock the buckle.
4. You may wet the grooved electrode areas with saliva, contact lens solution or an alternative saline solution to help it stick to the subject.
The transmitter should be worn against bare skin to ensure successful operation. If a transmitter is worn over a shirt, the shirt should be wet
underneath the electrode area to achieve proper conductivity.
To acquire the most accurate HR signal you should place the HR probe as close as possible to the HR belt.
Fixing the mask to the subject’s face
Fix the mask as illustrated in the picture below. Adjust the elastic bands on the head cap as necessary to eliminate possible leaks and create a tight
seal around the subject’s face.
Positioning ECG electrodes (if an ecg is used)
Correct electrode placement is important for acquiring a successful ECG signal. Patient preparations that may be performed to improve the signal
include the removal of oils, lotions and hair from the skin.
1. Shave the area in which the electrodes will be placed.
2. Using a slightly abrasive cloth, cut an X where the electrodes will be placed.
3. Rub the area with gauze that has been saturated with either ether or acetone.
4. Remove any residual with dry gauze.
5. Apply the patient cable to the electrodes and place them as shown in the following picture.
Note: The patient cable and the transmitter are not water-proof. You should prevent any liquids from penetrating
the area and avoid submerging the electrodes in liquid.
Installation - Patient’s preparation- 35