User's Manual

88 - K4 b
User Manual
Creating Test Protocols
The software allows to create different exercise protocols to use during the test. The
load of the ergometer is automatically controlled by the software that change it
according to the defined protocol.
Create a new protocol
1. Choose Real Time > Ergom. Tests Protocols from the Options menu.
2. Press New and enter a name for the protocol.
3. In the field "Message Time" type a number that means to get a message to advise
when switching to the next load.
4. Enable the "Drive Ergometer" check box to let the software control the ergometer.
Select the "Initial Command" if the ergometer need it.
5. Enabling the option "Relative Increments", the loads refer to the previous step.
6. Press Generate and enter the values to generate a protocol from only one load (i.e.
30 Watt each minute for a total of 20 steps) and press OK to confirm.
7. Press Add if you want to add a new step.
8. To edit a step, select it from the list and change the relative values in the Edit boxes
below the list. Press the Tab button to save changes.
9. To delete a step, highlight the step and press Delete.