User's Manual

Chapter 8 - Resting Metabolic Rate Test - 103
How to prepare the patient
1. Switch on the Canopy unit. If there are no problems, the red led on the front panel
of the unit flashes for few seconds and the alarm beeps. If the led does not flash
and/or the alarm does not beep, the test cannot be performed, because the backup
battery is exhausted or there is no backup battery.
2. When the green led turns on, the test can start. If the green led does not turn on, the
red led flashes and the alarm beeps, the test cannot be performed because the pump
does not work or the mains does not power the system.
3. After these checks, put the patient in a supine position.
4. Place the bubblehood with the vail on the patient’s head. The tube has to be placed
near the patient’s mouth.
Performing the test
1. Enter in the ergometry program
2. Select a patient or add a new one (File/Patients...)
3. Select Start test from Test menu.
4. Enter the patient’s data and select the Canopy mode.
5. Confirm and start the test by pressing OK.
6. In the first part of the test the flow rate of the pump has to be adjusted by means of
the Flow adjustment handle on the front panel of the Canopy unit, in order to
measure an FeCO
between 0.5% and 0.8%. FeCO
values can be read on the right
side of the PC monitor.