User's Manual

30 - K4 b
User Manual
VE l/min Expiratory Minute Ventilation
Vt l Tidal Volume
Rf 1/min Respiratory Frequency
Ti sec Duration of Inspiration
Te sec Duration of Expiration
Ttot sec Duration of Total breathing cycle
Ti/Ttot - Ti/Ttot ratio
Vt/ti l/sec Vt/ti ratio
MVV - Maximum Voluntary Ventilation
Symbol UM Parameter
MVV l/min Maximum Voluntary Ventilation
MVt l Tidal Volume (during MVV)
MRf 1/min Maximum Respiratory frequency
MVVt sec MVV duration time
Bronchoprovocation Response
Symbol UM Parameter
FallFEV1 % Fall in FEV1 from baseline or post diluent
FallVmax50% % Fall in Vmax50% from baseline or post diluent
P10 - Provocative dose causing FEV1 to fall 10% from baseline
P15 - Provocative dose causing FEV1 to fall 15% from baseline
P20 - Provocative dose causing FEV1 to fall 20% from baseline