User's Guide

Since the status LED contains a green and a red LED, each color can be configured to its own
action. For maximum clarity, a simple green ‘always on’ power indicator is typical. Multiple
actions can be configured but for simplicity we recommend no more than a one-to-one mapping
of a color to an action (maximum of two actions in the list).
A new LED action can be added by clicking “Add LED Action . To edit an existing action, click
EDIT.” Whether adding a new action or editing an existing action, the input fields are the same:
Name: Label the action. For clarity, we suggest “LED Color - action name”
LED Name: select “user1” for Green, “user2” for Red.
Default state: check = on, no check = off
Trigger: selected from the dropdown list
LED triggers are selected from the following options:
defaulton - Always ON
Heartbeat - Flash to simulate a heartbeat
mmc0 - ON when SD card is accessed.
netdev - Flash with link status / send & receive activity
requires additional selections for device (from a dropdown list) and Trigger
Mode (Link / Transmit / Receive - multiple selections allowed)
none - Always OFF
timer - Blinks at a specified rate
Specify On-State Delay and Off-State delay in milliseconds. For example, to
turn the LED on for one second and blink off for a half-second, On-State
Delay = 1000 and Off-State Delay = 500
usbdev / usbport - ON when a specified USB device or port is connected
usbdev / usbport requires selecting a USB device or port from the