User's Guide

Backup / Flash Firmware
This menu gives access to the unit firmware.
The Action tab lets the user backup and restore firmware.
GENERATE ARCHIVE: download a backup archive to your computer
PERFORM RESET: reset the unit back to default settings (factory reset)
UPLOAD ARCHIVE: upload a backup saved on your computer to the unit
Choose mtdblock / SAVE MTDBLOCK: download backup partition info (do not use unless
you are familiar with mtdblocks)
FLASH IMAGE: manually flash a firmware update
Figure 49: System > Backup/Flash Firmware: Actions
󱛻󱛼󱛽 Warning: mtdblocks (discussed above) is a Linux method of
interacting with Flash memory via a simple Flash Transition Layer (FTL)
within a Linux Memory Technology Device (MTD) subsystem. Use of
mtdblocks is recommended only for advanced users familiar with this
Linux concept.