Quick Start Guide

Microphone Care
The H6 Headset is designed for exceptional audio
clarity and durability. Following some basic guidlines
will ensure you get maximum performance from
your H6 for years to come:
Always use the H6 with its omni or
directional cap in place. The cap is critical to
the sound quality and also protects the capsule
from makeup, moisture, and debris.
• When a protective cap is not in place, avoid
touching the end of the capsule with fingers or
obstructing the opening with foreign substances.
• Remove the cap only for cleaning. The cable and
cap may be cleaned with alcohol wipes or soap
and water. Do not use other solvents or cleaners.
Do not use water or any chemicals on the capsule
Always use the H6
with the cap firmly in
ONLY remove the
cap to clean it. The
H6 cap is required
for optimum audio