Product Manual

technique is that a surgeon who ties his/her own knots by
the two-hand technique during wound closure can hold the
needle holder in his/her right hand during knot construction.
If one desired to learn to tie knots using the left hand to
manipulate the free end of the suture, study the illustrations
in a mirror.
Using the one-hand tie, one hand forms the suture loop while
manipulating the free suture end. The other hand merely
holds the mother suture end taut. Most surgeons prefer to
manipulate the free suture end with their left hand, allowing
them to hold the needle holder in their right hand while they
construct knots with their left hand.
There are several important recommendations for selecting a
knot tying technique. First, position the hands on each side of
and parallel to the suture loop. Second, grasp the appropriate
suture ends and form the suture loop, without exchanging
suture ends between the hands. While exchanging suture ends
between the hands forms a triangular-shaped suture loop, it
is an unnecessary step that wastes valuable time. Third pass
the free suture end, rather than the fixed suture end, through
the suture loop. Finally, reverse the position of the hands after
hand tie
Figure 9. Standard format for illustrating
the knot tying technique.