Item Brochure

Sapimed Trans-Anal Mucosectomy: disposable kit to perform transanal stapled
mucoprolapsectomy to resect internal prolapsed haemorrhoids.
21 units per box
Disposable device for transanal stapled mucohaemorrhoidectomy.
The kit is composed by an anal valve (21mm diameter) complete with spatula,
a stapler introducer with petals and the quadriject device (to be used in case of
local anesthesia). The 21mm valve allows atraumatic exploration,
the peanut window allows pursestring placement using 5/8 circle needles,
ensuring the correct bite of tissue to be incorporated.
The petal introducer protects the anal sphincter during the stapler insertion.
Operative field lighting, transparent operative fanlight and graduated valve.
Disposable device for transanal stapled mucohaemorrhoidectomy.
The kit is composed by an anal valve (21mm diameter) complete with spatula,
a stapler introducer with petals and the quadriject device (to be used in case of
local anesthesia). The 21mm valve allows atraumatic exploration,
the peanut window allows pursestring placement using 5/8 circle needles,
ensuring the correct bite of tissue to be incorporated.
The petal introducer protects the anal sphincter during the stapler insertion.
Operative field lighting, transparent operative fanlight and graduated valve.
STRAM and PREMIUM PLUS PCEEA* 34 are packaged together in a custom kit.