User's Guide

Select your sound effect from
39 JetEffect presets.
Normal / BBE / BBE ViVA / BBE ViVA 2 / BBE Mach3Bass /
BBE MP / BBE Headphone / BBE Headphone 2 /
BBE Headphone 3 / Rock / Jazz / Classic / Ballad / Pop /
Club / Funk / Hip Hop / Techno / Blues / Metal / Dance /
Rap / Wide / X-Bass / Hall / Vocal / Maestro / Feel the Wind /
Mild Shore / Crystal Clear / Reverb Room / Reverb Club / Reverb
Stage / Reverb Hall / Reverb Stadium / User 1 /
User 2 / User 3 / User 4
4 user-dened presets with
equalizer, BBE+, Stereo
Enhance, Reverb, etc.
User 1 / User 2 / User 3 / User 4
JetEffect 3.0 & BBE+ is
the most sophisticated and
powerful sound technology
available for MP3 and PMP
devices. Optimized for
headphone playback of
compressed audio material,
BBE+ brings listeners closer
to the natural presence and
impact of a “live performance”
than ever before.
EQ Filter Each band of the equalizer can be adjusted in detail.
BBE Sound effect that renes the sound quality
Provide deeper, tighter, and more musically accurate
bass frequency.
3D Surround Provide the three-dimensional surround sound effect.
MP Enhance
Restore and enhances the harmonics lost through
Stereo Enhance Enriche the stereo sound.
Reverb Maximize the natural and live presence of the sound.
* You may hear distortion or noise when using extreme settings of JetEffect 3.0.
For more information about JetEffect 3.0, visit us at
JetEffect 3.0
Basic Use
+ Settings