User's Manual

handles missed transmissions as well as performs path management, allowing full
duplex communications.
The Retries field specifies the number of attempts the radio will make in trying to
resend unacknowledged packets. The Timeout field determines how long the radio will
wait for the acknowledgement before resending.
Number of Repeaters
The range of the DR-915 may be extended by using repeaters. Repeater modules
receive data packets on one group code and retransmit the packet on another group
code. For example, a repeater configured with group codes 3 and 4 will translate the
following packets and retransmit them as follows:
A packet received with a destination group code of 3 will be received and
retransmitted with a destination group of 4.
A packet received with a destination group code of 4 will be received and
retransmitted with a destination group of 3.
This method of group code translation guarantees that data is transferred through the
repeater and not directly between radios.
When the DR-915 is in Ack-Back mode and there are repeaters in the system, the
amount of time needed to receive packet acknowledgements increases. By specifying
the number of repeaters in the Configuration program, this delay is calculated and the
radio is updated correctly. Always set this field with the maximum number of chained
repeaters in the system.