User Manual

or other outdoor structure. This can cause the control panel and knobs to get hot to the touch and
possibly even burn your fingers, not to mention that it can melt all rubber gaskets on the valves and
damage the ignition system to where it will need full replacement.
Ventilation and typical wind direction and conditions must always be considered when planning your
outdoor cooking island. Just the same as you would plan the layout and measure your indoor kitchen,
you must also do the same for the outdoors; but you cannot forget about Mother Nature and the
effects she can have on your outdoor cooking equipment.
o Coyote Wind Guards: If you do run into a situation where you will have wind coming into the
back of the unit, Coyote offers "Wind Guards" that reduce risks of overheating in the event of
ventilation interference. Our Wind Guards should never be considered as a guaranteed
solution to this problem. They are only intended to help the wind divert up and over the top of
the grill. If the wind is strong, then you can still have problems with the heat being trapped in
the hood. Coyote Wind Guards can be purchased through any of our authorized dealers.
FROM NON-COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS: Coyote grills can be placed directly on, or adjacent to,
non-combustible materials, subject to ventilation requirements. The hood on a Coyote grill pivots
mainly on the body. If you have a wall or partition behind the unit that would block ventilation, then a
minimum of 7" clearance from the back of the grill to the wall is needed for the purpose of ventilation.
If you do not have a wall or partition blocking the ventilation of the unit, then you only need an extra
2" behind the unit for the hood to open fully. If you wish to use the rotisserie option, you will want to
make sure that you leave adequate space (at least 6") on each side of the grill so that the motor and
rotisserie spit handle will have room on the counter, as these extend past the overall dimensions of
the grill body.
FROM COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS: Coyote grills must have at least 24" clearance from any combustible
materials (in any direction) for the safety of the homeowner and for any Coyote Warranty to remain in
o You CANNOT locate the grill under any combustible material without an approved ventilation
system located directly above the unit. To elaborate, Coyote defines an approved ventilation
hood as:
The ventilation hood chosen must be UL certified, produced for outdoor use and must be
installed according to the hood manufacturers specifications.
The hood must be installed at least 30" above the top of the cooking surface.
The hood must be at least 6" wider that the grills frame (3" on each side), not just the cooking
If you elect to use combustible material to
build your grill island AND the grill will be located within 24" of the combustible material, then you
must use the appropriate Coyote insulated jacket. The insulated jacket will act as a barrier to protect
your grill island from the heat and fire of your Coyote grill. If an insulated jacket is not used in a
combustible material island, the warranty on the Coyote grill will be voided immediately and safety
cannot be ensured.
For Built-in Installations
A built-in grill is designed for easy installation into masonry enclosures. For non-combustible applications, the
grill drops into the opening (as shown in cut-out detail drawing - Fig. A) and hangs from the grill body itself. A
bottom deck is not required to support the grill from the bottom. It is also required that: