User Manual

Using the Grill’s Built-In Ignition System:
1. Open the canopy.
2. Keep your body, arms and face as far away
from the burners and cooking surface as
3. Select the burner that you want to ignite.
Depress and rotate the knob corresponding
to that burner counter-clockwise to the
"High" position.
a. As you are nearing the "High" position, you will notice the valve getting tougher to turn. This is the
spring inside the valve building up energy to create the spark. Once you hear a click, the igniter has
fired the spark for that burner.
b. Do not turn the knob too fast, as you need the gas to travel into your manifold, then to your valve
and finally into the burner where it will meet the spark from the igniter (at the front of the burner).
Conversely, if you turn the knob too slowly, you can cause a build-up of gas in the grill and create a
large flash when it ignites.
4. If the burner does not ignite on the first attempt, try again immediately but be very aware of any gas
building up inside the grill.
a. If the grill does light after three consecutive attempts, turn the
knob to the "Off" position, keep the canopy open, and allow the grill to clear of any built up gas for
at least 5 minutes before starting the process again.
5. If at this point the grill will still not ignite, contact Coyote Customer Service for further assistance to
troubleshoot your grill.
Lighting Instructions for your Gas Grill