Owner`s manual

trouble shooting
NOTE: Motors used on wood-working tools are particularly susceptible to the accumulation
of sawdust and wood chips and should be blown out or "vacuumed" frequently to prevent
interference with normal motor ventilation and proper operation of the centrifugally-operated
starting switch.
Excessive noise. 1. Motor,
Motor fails to develoP ........1. Circuit overloaded witt7 ....
full power. NOTE: LOW lights, appliances and
VOLTAGE: (Power out-
put of motor decreases
rapidly with decrease in
voltage at motor termi-
nals. For example, a re-
duction of 10% in volt-
age causes a reduc-
tion of 19% inmaximum
poweroutputof which
the motor is capable
and a reduction of 20%
in voltage causes a re-
duction of 36% in max-
imum power output,)
Motor starts slowly
or fails to come up
to full speed.
Motor overheats.
Motor stalls
(resulting in blown)
fusesor tripped
circuit breakers).
Frequent ;penirigof
fuses or circuit
Tool rest will
not slide along
fu]l length of bed.
other motors.
2. Undersize wires orcircuit
too long.
3. General overloading of
power company
1. Low voliage will not
trip relay,
2. Windings burned out
3, Starting motorwhile head-
stock is not in normal
operating position.
4. Starting relay not
1. Motor overloaded.
2. Impropercooling. (Air
circulation restricted
through motor due to
sawdust, accumulating
inside of motor.)
1. Voltage too low to permit
motor to reach operating
2, Fusesorcircuit breakers
do riot have sufficient capacity,
1, Motor overloaded,
2, Fusesorcircuit breakers
do nothave sufficient capacity.
1, Bed sections are not
straight and level
with each other.
1. Have motor checked by qualified service
technician. Repair service is available at
your nearest Sears store.
1, Do not use other appliances or motors on
same circuit when using the lathe.
2. Increase wire sizes, or reduce length of wiring.
See "Motor Specifications and Electrical
Requirements" section.
3. Request a voltage check from the power
1, Request voltage check from the power company.
2. Have motor repaired or replaced.
Place headstock in normal operating position
and restart motor. If motor fails to start go to
probable cause Number 4.
Have relay replaced.
TakeShallower cuts l................
Clean out sawdust to providenormal air
circulation through motor.
See Maintenance and Lubrication" section,
']",' Request voltage check from the power company.
2, Install proper size fuses or circuit breakers,
1. Takeshallowercuts.
2. Installproper size fuses or circuit breakers.
1. Complete instructions in section entitled
"Mounting YourWood Lathe to Workbench"