Owner`s manual

glossary of terms
Spur Center (Live Center)
Installed in the spindle of the headstock.., supports
the workpiece on center at the headstock.., transfers
power from the headstock to the workpiece causing the
workpiece to rotate . , , referred to as a live center
because it rotates.
Cup Center (Dead Center)
Installed in the spindle of the tail stock.,, supports
the workplece on center at the tailstock.., referred to
as a dead center because it does not rotate.
Spindle Turning (Turning Between Centers)
Refers to the placement of a workpiece between the
headstock and tailstock,., the spur center and cup
centers are used to hold the workpiece in place.
May be attached to the spindle of the headstock...
used to support a workpiece by the headstock alone
(tailstock not used for support).
Faceplate Turning
Made possible by the use of a faceplate for the purpose
of turning a workpiece that is to be made into a disc
shape such as a bowl.., support of the workpiece is
by the headstock only.
It is stationary at the left end of the bed.., contains
a spindle that the spur center fits into.,, provides the
power to rotate the workpiece.
Slides along the bed of the lathe.., can be'locked to
the bed at any point.., provides support for various
length workpieces when performing spindle turning.
Supports the headstock, tailstock and tool rest,
Turning Tool (Woodworking Chisels)
The sharp toot used: to remove wood f_om the
Tool Rest
Supports the turning tool when faceplate turning and
also when turning between centers,
The item on which the cutting operation is being
Revolutions Per Minute (RPM)
The number of turns completed by a spinning object in
one minute.
table of contents
General Safety Instructions for Power Tools ...... 2
Additional Safety Instructions for Wood Lathe ..... 3
Before Using the Lathe ..................... 3
When Installing or Moving the Lathe .......... 3
Before Each Use ......................... 3
Whenever Lathe is Running ................. 4
Glossary of Terms .......................... 5
Motor Specifications and Electrical Requirements . 6
Power Supply ............................ 6
Wire Sizes ............................... 6
Unpacking and Checking Contents ............. 7
Table of Loose Parts ....................... 7
Location and Function of Controls .............. 9
Assembly ................................ 10
Tools Needed for Assembly ................ 10
Mounting Your Wood Lathe to the Workbench .. 10
Mounting and Assembly Tool Rest ........... 14
Mounting and Assembling Tailstock .......... 15
Mounting and Assembling Headstock ........ 17
Installation of Cup and Spur Centers ......... 20
Installation and Use of On-Off Switch Key ..... 23
Basic Lathe Operation ...................... 24
Changing Speeds ........................ 24
Belt Tension Adustment ................... 25
Positioning of Toolrest ..................... 25
Mounting Wood for Spindle Turning .......... 26
Faceplate Turning ........................ 27
Turning Tools ......... ................... 28
Maintenance .............................. 30
Lubrication ............................... 30
Recommended Accessories .................. 31
Troubleshooting ........................... 31
Repair Parts ............................... 34
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