
B. Fuel
Use unleaded regular,unleaded premium or reformulated
automotivefuel only. You may use gasoline containingthe
following componentsidentifiedinTable 3.
DO NOT use leaded fuel.
Fuel must be fresh and clean. NEVER use fuel lefl
over from last season or stored for long periods.
DO NOT use fuel containing Methanol (Wood
IV. Before Starting Your Engine
A. Mixing Fuel and Oil
_ _ NEVER store enginewithfuel infuel
tank insidea buildingwith potential
sources ofignitionsuch as hot water and space heaters,
clothesdryers, electdc motors, etc.
DO NOT mix fuel and oil directly in fuel tank.
Use of NMMA, TC-W]! or TC-W3, JASO FB or JASO FC
classified oil is recommended.
A 32:1 fuel mix ratio is recommended if NMMA oilis not
available. See Table 2.
Tecumseh synthetic and special formulated oils are
available at your Authorized Tecumseh Servicing Dealer.
Contact your Authodzed Tecumseh Servicing Dealer for
Tecumseh Oil.
1. Be sure container is outdoorsand in a well-ventilated
Fill approved clean red GASOLINE container with 1/4
of recommended fuel amount. See Table 3.
3. Add requiredamount of recommended oilto fuel• See
Tables 1 and 2.
4. Screw cap onto container.
5. Shake container vigorously•
6. Unscrew cap from container.
7. Fillcontainerwith remainder of recommended fuel. See
Tables 1 and 2.
8. Wipe away any spilledfuel or oil.
B. Filling Fuel Tank
An adult shouldfuel this engine•
NEVER allow childrento refuelthis
engine• Gasoline (fuel) vapors are highlyflammable and
can explode• Fuel vapors can spread and be ignitedbya
spark or flame manyfeet away from engine•To prevent
injuryor death from fuel fires, followthese instructions:
1. Stop engine and allow itto cool before refueling.
2. Be sure engine is outdoorsand in a well-ventilated
3. Clean area around fuel fill cap and remove fuel fill cap.
4. Remove and discard white plastic fuel tank insert, ifso
equipped. See Figure 6.
Table 3. Recommended Fuel
Fuel Component Percentage
Ethanol 10%
Grain Alcohol ("Gasohol") 10%
MTBE (MethylTertiary ButylEther) 15%
ETBE (EthylTertiary ButylEther) 15%
Figure 6. Fuel Cap Insert Symbol
Front View
Bottom View
Figure 7. Possible Anti-Splash Fuel Fill Cap(s)
For recommendedmixture ratios offuel and oil, see Tables
1 and 2 on page 3. See "111.Oil and Fuel Specifications"
instructions on page 3.
Usingan approvedred GASOLINE container,add fuel
slowly,being carefulto avoid spilling•DO NOT overfill
fuel tank• Leave space in the tank to allow fuel to
expandwithout overflowing.
Replace anti-splashfuel fill cap securelyand wipe up
spilled fuel before starting engine. If fuel is spilledDO
NOT start engine. Move machine away from area of
spillage. Avoid creating any source of ignition until fuel
vaporsare gone.
Replace a damaged or missing gas cap only with a genuine
Tecumseh replacement anti-splash fuel fill cap. Failure to do
so may VOID YOUR WARRANTY See Figure 7.
Page 4 Two-Cycle Engine HodzontaWertical Crankshaft Air-Cooled 181-807-14