42" Briggs & Stratton 17.5 hp Gas Powered Riding Lawn Tractor Operator's Manual

1. PTO/BladeEngageleverengaged.
2. Parkingbrakenotengaged.
3. Sparkplugwire(s)disconnected.
4. Throttlecontrollevernot in correctstarting
5. Chokenotactivated
6. Fueltankempty,or stalefuel.
7. Blockedfuel line.
8. Faultysparkplug(s).
9. Engineflooded.
1. UnitrunningwithCHOKEactivated.
2. Sparkplugwire(s)loose.
3. Blockedfuel lineor stalefuel.
4. Ventingas cap plugged.
5. Waterordirt in fuel system.
6. Dirtyair cleaner.
Engineoverheats 1. Engineoillevellow. 1.
2. Airflowrestricted. 2.
Enginehesitatesat highRPM 1. Sparkpluggaptoo close. 1.
Engineidlesrough 1. Sparkplugfouled,faultyor gaptoo wide. 1.
2. Dirtyair cleaner. 2.
Mowerwill not mulchgrass
1. Cuttingbladelooseor unbalanced.
2. Damagedor bentcuttingblade.
1. Enginespeedtoo low.
2. Wetgrass.
3. Excessivelyhighgrass.
4. Dullblade.
1. Decknot leveledproperly.
2. Dullblade.
3. Uneventire pressure.
1. Placeleverindisengaged(OFF)position.
2. Engageparkingbrake.
3. Connectwire(s)to sparkplug(s).
4. Placethrottleleverto FASTposition.
5. PulltheCHOKEcontroloutward.
6. Filltankwithclean,fresh(lessthan30 daysold) gas.
7. Replacethe fuel lineandreplacefuel filter.
8. Clean,adjustgapor replaceplug(s).
9. Crankenginewiththrottlein FASTposition.
1. PushCHOKEcontrolin.
2. Connectsparkplugwire(s).
3. Replacethe fuel line;fill tankwithclean,fresh
gasolineandreplacefuel filter.
4. Clearventor replacecap if damaged.
5. Drainfueltank. Refillwithclean,freshgasoline.
6. Replaceair cleanerpaperelementor cleanfoam
pre-cleaner,if equipped.
Fillcrankcasewith properamountandweightof oil.
Removesparkplugandresetthe gap.
Replacesparkplug.Set pluggap.
Replaceair cleanerelementand/orclean pre-
1. Tightenbladeandspindle.
2. Replaceblade.
1. Placethrottlein FAST(rabbit)position.
2. Do notmulchwhengrassis wet.
3. Mowonce at a highcuttingheight,then mowagain
at desiredheightor makea narrowercuttingswath.
4. Sharpenor replaceblade.
1. Performside-to-sidedeckadjustment.
2. Sharpenor replaceblade.
3. Checktire pressureinall fourtires.
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