
B If the two dimensions are not the same, loosen the two
screws on the fence and align it.
B Retighten the two screws.
8 Make two or three test cuts on scrap wood. If the cuts
are trot true, repeat the process.
_ WARNING: Before plugging the saw back [n to
make Lest cuts, make sure the switch is in the OFF
position and the blade guard is in place, Failure te do
so can result in serious injury.
See Figures 52 5&
The angle settings of your saw have been set at the fac-
tory and, unless damaged in shipping, should not require
setting during assen_Ny. After extensive use, it may need
to be checked.
Raise the blade and the blade guard.
e If the blade is not perfectly vertical (0'), Ioesen the
adjustment bolt and the bevel locking ]ever,
e Place a combination square beside Ihe blade on fbe
left. Loci( the angle by pushing the bevel locking lever
and retighten the adjustment bolt.
8 Turn the beret handle until the be_rel indicator points
to zero. If the bevel handle is turned as far as possible
and doesn't indicate zero properly, you may need to
adjust fhe bevel indicator.
NOTE: It will be necessary to remove the bevel handle
to adjust the bevel indicator,
a If the blade is not an exact 45 °, loosen the adjustment
boll and the bevel looking lever.
8 Turn the bevel handle unt[r the bottom of file blade has
moved completely to tee left side of the slot. Look the
angle by pushing the bevel locking lever.
B If the blade is not an exact 45 °, loosen the adjustment
bolt and the bevel locking lever.
8 Adjust tie bevel indicator to 45 °.
B Make a test cut.