Operator`s manual

Making Deep Cuts with the Depth-StopTurret (Ftg_11)
NOTE: Making a single deep cut is never advisable..Smaller diameter cutter bits |
ere easily broken by too much side thrust and torque, Larger cutter bits will
cause a rough cut end be difficult to guide and control. For these reasons,
DO NOT EXCEED 1t8-1N DEPTH OF CUT In a stngla pass.
To produce deep cuts, always make severai progressively deeper cuts by stadlng with
the Highest Step on the depth-stop turret, and after each cut rotate the turret to the next
lowest slap unttI the final Lowest or Last step [s reached
Each of the 4 steps progresses by lt4th-ln Inc_ementa_The 4 steps represent a total
el "0"-in fo 3/4-1n wtlh a lull 360° rotation of the turret Repeat thisprocess if necessary
Micro Adjustments with the Depth_Stop
Rod and De pth-Stop Turret
The Depth-Stop Rod has a Micro
Adjustment Knob (A) lhat turnsa screw (B)
(inside Ihe rod) e]ther clockwise o_"
counterclockwise (lowering or raising) the
deplh-step rod on the turret (C) for mlcro-flne
adjuslmenfs of the plungedepth
Each complete revolution of the Micro
Adjustment Knob adjusts the plunglngdepth
by 5/1271h inch
A reference Indfcalor line ts embossedtnlo the
Depth-Stop Rod under the fine-adjustmentknob
When micro-adjusting the plunge depth,
before setting the Depth-Stop Rod and
Depth-Stop turret, always make sure the
micro adjustment screw has bean turned
down (clockw}ee) several revolutions from
Its top, or starting position, so It can be
adjusted upward.
FIg_ 11
Always set your micro adjustments with the plunge action in the RAISED,
(or up) position, end locked down
Touse fhe micro adjustment knob once the depthrod and turrelhave been eel, check
thefinal depth selling and micro adjust as follows:
Tomicro-increase the plunge depth, raisethe micro adjustment screw by turning
the knob ceuntamlockwise the desl[ed amount
,,Tomicro-reduce the plunge depth, iower the micro adlustmentscrew by lurn_ng
theknob clockwise lhedestred amount