Operator`s manual

DEFLECTORS (Figs, 25 and 25a)
Z_ WARNING: ALWAYSwear eys protection,
The chip shletd deflectors are not intended as s safety guard,
Toremovechipshletdfromfixed bess, pressinwardon tabsanlil chip shiefdretsasesfrom base
and removeiLToattach,piece chip shieldback inposilion andtlexsides whilepushingit inuntil
ii snaps back intoplace(See Fig 25)
The chip shield defleclor on the plunge base ls hetd in positionby a screw,
To remove the chip shield from the plurtge base, simply remove the screw and take
the chip shield eft of the base (See Fig 25a)
Fig, 25 Tabs Fixed Base Fig. 25a Screw Plunge Base
Z_ WARNING: 'The ch_p shield deflectors help keep dust and chips away from L
the operator; they w I not stop objects arger than woodch ps thrown from the b t, I
I CAUT|ON: ALWAYS have the ch_pshletd detfectors In place on the base when I
operating the router,
Z_ WARNING: ALWAYSturn motor off end unplug router from power source ]
before making any adjustments or Installing accessories, Failure to turn motor off |
end unplug router could result in accidental starting which can cause serious |
personal injury. 1