Operator`s manual

13 MAKE SURE Ihe cutter btt Is not In contact wlth the workpiece before the switch
Is turned on.The bit must ALWAYS be running at full speed before contacting
the workpleceo
14 KEEP HANDS CLEAR OF CUTTER BIT when motor Is running to prevent
personal Injury.
15 PROVIDE CLEARANCE under workplace for router cutter bit when through-cutting,
16 KEEP CUTTING PRESSURE CONSTANTs, Do not ovedosd the motor
17 USE ONI.Y sharp cutter blts that are not chipped or crecked_ Blunt cutter bits
will cause stalling and burn the workplace.
t8 NEVER use this router motor with a cutter bit larger Ihen 3_t2-1nch In diameter:
19 ALWAYS USE cutter bits that are designed for this router, Never usa cutter bits
which ere larger tn diameter than the opening tn the router sub-base. Cutter bits
that have cutter diameters larger than the opening could cause possible loss of control
or create other hazardous condition thai could cause serious personal injury
20 The sub-base on the fixed base and plunge base In this kit have an opening of
1 _t4-Inch, To use cutter bits wilb a larger diameter, install and use a sub-base with
a larger diameter opening (sold separately) al Sears stores or other Craitsman outlets
21 DO NOT USe large router cutter bile for freehand routing. Use of targs cutter bits
when freehand routing could cause loss of control or creels hazardous conditions thal
could result in sedoue personal injury II using a router Iable, large bits
should be used for edging only
22 BE SURE BIT Is centered In temptato guide (sold separately) prior to template
guide appllcat!one to avoid personal injury or damage to finished work.
23 DO NOT REMOVE more than lta_lnch in a single pass. Excessive depth of cut can
result in loss of control thai could result In personal Injury
24 After compteting a cut, turn motor OFF and iet It come to a complete stop
BEFORE REMOVING router from workplace.
25 Let the motor come to e COMPLETE STOP before putting the router down. Cutter
bits coast after power Is turned off
26 ONLY use router tables that conform to safe woodworking practices and offer
proper guarding for the cutter bit Usa router tables thai are UL ciassilied and identified
suitable for use with this specific router model FailUre to comply could result In
seriouspersonal Injury
27 Only use router labtas with on-board switch controfled receptacles, Failure Iouse
router fables with a_lthe appropriate safety features could result in serious personal injury
28 DISCONNECTTHETOOL FROM POWER SOURCE before making any adjustmenls
or changing cutter bile
29 If you are changing a bit Immediatety after use, BE CAREFUL NOTTO TOUCH
the colleUnul or cutter bit wtlh your hands or fingers.The heat buildup from
cutting could cause severs burns. ALWAYS uao the wrench provided,
30 AVOID "CLIMB CUTTING". See "OPERATION" section (pages 31 and 32)
In this manual. "Climb-cutting" Increases the chance for loss oI control resulting
in pcssibte serious injury