Instruction manual

Oil inadequate 1. Oil tank empty. 1. Fill oil tank.
for bar and 2. Oil pump or oil filter 2. Contact Sears Service.
chain clogged.
lubrication. 3. Guide bar oil hole 3. Remove bar and clean.
Chain moves at 1. Idle speed requires 1. See "Carburetor Adjustment" in
idle speed, adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Clutch requires repair. 2. Contact Sears Service.
Chain does not 1. Chain tension too 1. See "Check Chain Tension" in the
move when en- tight. Maintenance Section.
gine is acceler- 2. Carburetor requires 2. See "Carburetor Adjustment" in the
ated. adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.
3. Guide bar rails 3. Repair or replace.
4. Clutch slipping. 4. Contact Sears Service.
5. Chain brake engaged.
Chain clatters 1. Chain tension incorrect.
or cuts roughly.
2. Cutters damaged.
3. Chain worn.
4. Cutters dull, improperly
sharpened, or depth
gauges too high.
5. Sprocket worn.
6. Chain installed
5. Disengage chain brake.
1. See "Check Chain Tension" in the
Maintenance Section.
2. Contact Sears Service.
3. Resharpen or replace chain.
4. See "Chain Sharpening" in the
Service and Adjustments Section.
5. Contact Sears Service.
6. Install chain in right direction.
Chain stops 1. Chain cutter tops not 1. See "Chain Sharpening" in the
within the cut. filed flat. Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Guide bar burred or 2. Repair or replace guide bar.
bent; rails uneven.
3. Clutch slipping. 3. Contact Sears Service.
Chain cuts at 1. Cutters damaged on 1. See "Chain Sharpening" in the
an angle, one side. Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Chain dull on one side. 2. See "Chain Sharpening" in the
Service and Adjustments Section.
3. Guide bar bent or worn. 3. Replace guide bar.
If situations Occur which are not covered in this manual, use care and good
judgement. If you need assistance, contact Sears Service or the CUSTOMER
ASSISTANCE HELPLINE at 1-800-235-5878.
LIGATIONS: The U. S. Environmental
Protection Agency and Sears, Roebuck
and Co., U.S.A., are pleased to explain
the emissions control system warranty
on your year 2001-2004 small off-road
engine. Sears must warrant the emis-
sion control system on your small off-
road engine for the periods of time listed
below provided there has been no
abuse, neglect, or improper mainte-
nance of your small off-road engine.
Your emission control system includes
parts such as the carburetor and the
ignition system. Where a warrantable
condition exits, Sears will repair your
small off-road engine at no cost to you.
Expenses covered under warranty in-
clude diagnosis, parts and labor.
COVERAGE: If any emissions related
part on your engine (as listed under
Emissions Control Warranty Parts List) is
defective or a defect in the materials or