Instruction manual

NOTE: If engine has not started, pull
starter rope 5 more pulls. If engine still
does not run, it is probably flooded.
Flooded engines can be started by
placing the choke lever in the OFF
CHOKE position; then, pull the rope to
clear the engine of excess fuel. This
could require pulling the starter handle
many times depending on how badly
the unit is flooded.
If the unit still doesn't start, refer to
Long Pants
Heavy Shoes
Cut onIy from your right to your left.
dl_ WARNING: Always wear eye
protection. Never lean over the trim-
mer head. Rocks or debris can rico-
chet or be thrown into eyes and face
and cause blindness or other serious
When operating unit, stand as shown
and check for the following:
Wear eye protection and heavy
Hold trigger handle with right hand
and assist handle with left hand.
Keep unit below waist level.
Cut only from your right to your left
to ensure debris is thrown away
from you. Without bending over,
keep line near and parallel to the
ground and not crowded into materi-
al being cut.
Do not run the engine at a higher
speed than necessary. The cutting
line will cut efficiently when the engine
is run at less than full throttle. At lower
speeds, there is less engine noise and
vibration. The cutting line will last
longer and will be less likely to "weld"
onto the spool.
Always release the throttle trigger and
allow the engine to return to idle
speed when not cutting.
To stop engine:
Release the throttle trigger.
Move the ON/OFF switch to the OFF
The trimmer line will advance approxi-
mately 2 in. (5 cm) each time the bot-
tom of the trimmer head is tapped on
the ground with the engine running at
full throttle.The most efficient line
length is the maximum length allowed
by the line limiter,
Always keep the shield in place when
the tool is being operated.
To advance line:
Operate the engine at full throttle,
Hold the trimmer head parallel to
and above the grassy area.
Tap the bottom of the trimmer head
lightly on the ground one time, Ap-
proximately 2 in. (5 cm) of line will
be advanced with each tap.
Toadvance line, tap bottom of trimmer
head on ground one time.
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Always tap the trimmer head on a
grassy area. Tapping on surfaces such
as concrete or asphalt can cause ex-
cessive wear to the trimmer head.
If the line is worn down to 2 in. (5 cm)
or less, more than one tap will be re-
quired to obtain the most efficient line
_]kWARNING: Use only 0.080"
(2 mm) diameter line. Other sizes of
line will not advance properly and can
cause serious injury. Do not use other
materials such as wire, string, rope,
etc. Wire can break off during cutting
and become a dangerous missile that
can cause serious injury.
Use minimum speed and do not
crowd the line when cutting around
hard objects (rock, gravel, fence
posts, etc.), which can damage the
trimmer head, become entangled in
the line, or be thrown causing a seri-
ous hazard.
The tip of the line does the cutting.
You will achieve the best perform-
ance and minimum line wear by not
crowding the line into the cutting