Owner`s manual

NEVER run pump dry. Running pump with-
out water may overheat unit, damaging seals and possibly
burning persons handling pump.
_NEVER run pump against closed dis-
charge. To do so can boil water inside pump, causing haz-
ardous pressure in unit and possible scalding to persons
handling pump.
Be sure the total lift from the pumping water level to the
pump does not exceed 20 feet if the pump is over the well,
or less if the pump is offset from the well. Both figures are
for sea level - the maximum lift at which the pump can op-
erate satisfactorily, decreases with the elevation at the ap-
proximate rate of 1 foot per 1,000 feet of elevation; thus, if
the lift is 17 feet and your elevation is 3,000 feet above sea
level, you would then be pumping 17 plus 3 or 20 feet,
which is still satisfactory for shallow well pumping.
Horizontal Piping From Well To Pump
On well point installations where the horizontal piping is
more than 25 feet, a check valve should be installed as
shown in Figures 3 and 4, Page 5.
When the pump is offset more than 25 feet from the well,
horizontal piping should be increased in size to reduced fric-
tion losses. In no case should the offset piping be smaller
than the suction tapping of the pump.
Horizontal Offset Piping Sizes
Shallow Well Jets
1-1/4" 1-1/2"
Up to 25 Ft. 25 to 50 Ft.
2 II
50 to 200 Ft.
Horizontal Offset Piping Sizes
Deep Well Jets
Up to 50 Ft.
Suct. Drive
1-1/4 1"
50 to 100 Ft. 100 to 300 Ft. I
Suct. Drive Suct. Drive
1-1/2" 1-1/4" 2 1-1/2
Discharge Pipe Sizes
When the pump is set a distance from the house, barns, or
other points of water use, the discharge pipe size should be
increased to reduce pressure losses.
1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2"
Up to 25 Ft. 25 to 100 Ft. 100 to 600 Ft.
SEARS jet pumps can be used with Captive Air ®Tanks as
shown in Figure 1, Page 4, and Figure 3, Page 5.
For mounting pump to tank, order tank fittings Kit No. 2788.
Captive Air* Tanks are pre-charged with air at the factory.
Check operating instructions with tank to determine if air
charge needs adjustment.
Model 390.2511 requires 30 pounds air charge for
proper operation.
In some areas and with some installations, an emergency
power supply to guard against power failure is a good idea.
If you install an engine-generator set for emergency backup
power for your pump, supply the generator set manufac-
turer with the nameplate data from the pump motor. He will
then be able to provide a generator of the correct size to
power your pump. Also, be sure to add the load from any
other accessories (such as lights) that may be on the same