Product specifications

Turnoffbladeswhennot mowing.
catcheror uncloggingchute.
Mowonlyin daylightor goodartificial
Donotoperatethe machinewhileunder
the influenceof alcoholor drugs.
Watchfor trafficwhenoperatingnearor
Useextracarewhenloadingor unload-
ingthe machineintoatraileror truck.
Slopes are a major factor related to Ioss-
_f-control and tipover accidents, which
;an result in severe injury or death. All
slopes require extra caution. If you ca_nnot
_ack up the slope or if you feel uneasy on
it,J:lo not mow. it.
Mow up and down slopes, not across.
Remove obstacles such as rocks, tree
limbs, etc.
Watch for holes, ruts, or bumps. Uneven
terrain could overturn the machine. Tall
grass can hide obstacles.
Use slow speed. Choose a low gear so
that you will not have to stop or shift
while on the slope.
Follow the manufacturer's recommen-
dations for wheel weights or counter-
weights to improve stability.
Use extra care with grass catchers or
other attachments. These can change
the stability of the machine.
Keep all movement on the slopes slow
and gradual. Do not make sudden
changes in speed or direction.
Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. If
tires lose traction, disengage the blades
and proceed slowly straight down the
Do not turn on slopes unless necessary,
and then, turn slowly and gradually
downhill, if possible.
Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches, or
embankments. The mower could sud-
denly turn over if a wheel is over the
edge of a cliff or ditch, or if an edge
caves in.
Do not mow on wet grass. Reduced
traction could cause sliding.
Do nottry to stabilize the machine by
putting your foot on:the ground.
Do not use grass catcher on steep
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator
is not alert to the presence of children.
Children are often attracted to the
machine and the mowing activity. Never
assume that children will remain where
you last saw them.
Keep children out of the mowing area
and under the watchful care of another
responsible adult.
Be alert and turn machine off if children
enter the area.
Before and when backing, look behind
and down for small children.
Never carry children. They may fall off
and be seriously injured or interfere with
safe machine operation.
Never allow children to operate the
Use extra care when approaching blind
corners, shrubs, trees, or other objects
that may obscure vision.
Use extra care in handling gasoline and
other fuels. They are flammable and
vapors are explosive.
Use only an approved container.
Never remove gas cap or add fuel
with the engine running. Allow en-
gine to cool before refueling. Do not
Never refuel the machine indoors.
Never store the machine or fuel
cont_.iner inside where there is an
open flame, such as a water heater.
Never run a machine inside a closed
Keep nuts and bolts, especially blade
attachment bolts, tight and keep equip-
ment in good condition.
Never tamper with safety devices.
Check their proper operation regularly.
Keep machine free of grass, leaves, or
other debris build-up. Clean oil or fuel
spillage. Allow machine to cool before
Stop and inspect the equipment if you
strike an object. Repair, if necessary,
before restarting.