Owner manual

In normal operation one should set the power amp gain, so that your normal listening
level is with the gain knob at 1 o’clock. There is a supplied adjustable pad for powered
monitors and power amps that have no gain control.
Channel or speaker control is determained by the top row of buttons.
The channel is on when the led is on. This applies to all modes of
operation. The channels are Left, Right, Center, LFE, Surround Left,
Surround Right, Extra Left, Extra Right.
If one holds down a channel select button for one half second or more
the selected channel will be soloed. The led on the soloed channel
will flash indicating that this is the soloed channel. Other channels
can be turned on and off in the solo mode. By holding down the
flashing / soloed channel a second time ( for one half second) the
system will return to the pre-soloed speaker selection. If one holds
down a different channel select for the one half second time period
un-soloing returns to the selected channels prior to having selected a
new soloed channel.
Speaker selects - Mute and Solo