Owner manual

The first time that Avocet is powered up, it should be initialized. This is done by pushing
all three output select buttons at the same time. This sets up the remote for proper
operation. It also resets the user settings:
All gains, main and phones are set to zero
Output 1 is the selected output
DAW is the input selected
Phones are set to the Aux input
Stereo speaker selection is selected
All offsets are cleared
The remote cable must be attached and screwed down before power up.
Take the time to look at the following pages and see show how the buttons work. After
that, you should be good to go.
Almost all user selections and gains are remembered by Avocet and restored on power
up. The headphone button and the talk button positions are not remembered
Configuration information for surround or stereo only systems are in the back pages of
this manual.
The main audio path is discrete class A electronics with a stepped attenuator for gain
control. All switching and gain control functions in the main audio path is done with
relays. Yes they make acoustic clicks when operating.
The headphone audio path is done with high quality integrated circuits. The D/A con-
vertor uses the latest technology intergated circuits.
Most powered monitors do not have a level control that is meaningful. This results in the
need to trim Avocet’s output gain. In order to do this and not add any amplifier stages
an output pad is supplied. This pad is to be placed at the input of the power amp. Not
at Avocet’s connector. The pad has a range of 6 to 20 db of loss and is preset to a 10
db loss.