- Crate Amplifier Operation Guide

DX-112/212 Digital Guitar Amplifier
TThhee RReeaarr PPaanneell ::
16. AC Line Cord:
Plug the male end of this
cord into a properly grounded AC outlet of
the correct voltage. DO NOT DEFEAT THE
17. Fuse:
The fuse protects the amplifier
against damages caused by overload condi-
tions in the unit. If the fuse blows, replace it
only with the same size and type as indicat-
ed on the rear panel.
18. Stereo Headphones:
For those private
moments, plug a pair of stereo headphones
into this jack. The internal speaker(s) is (are)
muted when headphones are used. (Can also
be used for recording.)
19. Stereo Line Out:
Connect this output to a
stereo amplifier or effects unit.
20. Stereo Line In:
Connect the output of an
external effects unit here.
21. Standard MIDI/Crate Footswitch
This switch lets you choose how
you control your DX-112/212 – via MIDI or
with the optional Crate Foot Controller.
22. MIDI Thru/Out:
Connect to another
MIDI device you wish to control with the
foot controller.
23. MIDI In/Foot Switch:
This jack either
accepts a standard MIDI input or lets you use
the Crate Foot Controller.
RReeffeerr ttoo SSeeccttiioonn // PPaaggee::
“Stereo Headphones Jack” – page 9,10
“The Stereo Line In and Line Out Jacks” – page 7,8
“The Stereo Line In and Line Out Jacks” – page 7,8
“Using the Crate Foot Controller” – page 9,10
“The MIDI Thru/Out Jack” – page 9,10
“Using a MIDI Footswitch” – page 9,10
((TThhaattss aallll wweerree ggoonnnnaa ggiivvee yyoouu ffoorr nnooww!! TToo lleeaarrnn aa wwhhoollee lloott mmoorree,, rreeaadd tthhee rreesstt ooff tthhiiss gguuiiddee!!))