User Manual

Retrig On
This switches the envelopes’ trigger mode from Legato to Retrig-
ger. When Retrigger is enabled the envelope is re-started anew
each time legato notes are played. When Retrigger is disabled
legato notes are slurred without re-starting the envelope.
Single On
This setting switches the instrument’s voices to one voice, regard-
less of how many voices are loaded. This results in correct play-
back of solo sounds with portamento.
Pitch VCO1/2
Sets the intensity and direction of the oscillators’ pitch modulators.
This is how you can use aftertouch to control the pitch bend of the
oscillators. You can assign the modulation via a switch to Oscillator
1, Oscillator 2, or both.
Intensity and direction of the filter cutoff modulation. This lets you
create filter sweeps via aftertouch.
LFO Settings
You can select between “Hertz” (frequency) or “MIDI
Level Ext. Input
Volume fader for the external audio signal at the audio in-
puts. This signal is assigned to the low-pass filter.