User's Manual

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ADDICT v3.0.1 User Manual DALI Functionality
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During the random addressing process, one the following messages may appear on the last line
of the screen:
“Complete” random addressing has finished, and at least one device has been
randomly assigned an address.
“No new devices” no devices without addresses were detected on the line when
Address New is selected.
“No devices on bus no devices were detected on the line when Address All is selected.
“No spare addrs” The ADDICT
failed to give a device an address because all 64
addresses available with DALI are currently in use on the line.
“Search error or Verify failed” an error occurred when trying to locate a device. The
will allow three of these errors to occur before it stops the random addressing
process. Typically, these errors are non-repetitive and are due to intermittent noise on
the line, hence the 3x fail-safe approach.
Selectable values:
Confirmation (YES, NO) Press enter with YES selected to confirm random addressing,
NO to cancel.
At the end of a random addressing session, the user can choose to do a check count of the line
by pressing enter. For details see: Count Devices on page 34. Press escape from the Count
Device screen to return to the previous addressing menu.
Physical Selection
Assigns addresses to the devices on the DALI line one at a time by means of their lamps being
temporarily removed. There are two options available under Physical Selection Address New
and Address All.
When Address New is selected, the physical selection procedure begins immediately and all
devices that report their addresses will keep their current addresses. If Address All is selected,
all devices will first have all their addresses cleared.
Before the physical selection procedure begins, confirmation is required:
There are four different screens that can be displayed during the physical selection procedure:
This screen will be shown if any devices on the DALI line do not currently have an address. Also
shown is the next address that will be assigned to a device when its lamp is removed, and how
many devices have already been addressed during this physical selection procedure (these two
fields are always displayed during physical selection).