User's Manual

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ADDICT v3.0.1 User Manual DALI Functionality
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The navigation buttons (up and down) are used to select between the address and each of the
16 groups. When a group is selected, +/- toggles between a tick and a cross and the group will
be assigned/unassigned when that group is unselected. Each time a navigation button is
pressed, the screen is updated to show the current group assignment and this can be used to
confirm any changes that have been made.
An alternative means of assigning groups and more complex grouping (e.g. adding a group to
another group) can be performed under Configuration
Selectable values:
Address (0 63) The address of the device being assigned to groups. Current group
assignments shown when selecting.
015 Group assignments (, ) for assigned to the group, for unassigned.
Set AddressSet Address effectively sets the address of every device on the line to a specified
address. The following example will set all connected devices to address 40:
Although setting every connected device to a specific address is potentially undesirable when
working with multiple devices (hence the need for a confirmation screen) this function allows for
single devices to be quickly addressed before being connected to a DALI line.
Note: This feature won’t work with devices that contain more than one logical DALI device (e.g.
Creative Lighting SLAMMO
3 channel LED dimmer) since all logical devices will be assigned the
same address, so these devices will still need to be addressed using random addressing.
As well as being able to select one of the 64 DALI addresses, CLR can also be selected as the new
address, and this has the effect of clearing the addresses from all connected devices.
Selectable values:
New Address (0 63, CLR) The new address (or no address) for all connected devices.
Press enter to proceed to the confirmation screen.
Confirmation (YES, NO) Press enter to confirm setting the new address, YES to set the
address, NO to cancel.