User's Manual

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ADDICT v3.0.1 User Manual DMX512 and RDM (Remote Device Management) Functionality
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The first screen under Setup Devices is the Select Device screen. On this screen, the only
selectable value is the 12-digit device UID (a device’s unique ID, every individual device will have
a unique identifier). Since the device UID does not reveal much about the device, the screen
also displays the device’s DMX address range (which is all the DMX
channels that the device
will currently respond to) as well as three labels showing the model, manufacturer and a
programmable device label (up to 16 characters will be displayed for each of the labels, and the
line will continually scroll if all the labels cannot be displayed at once).
In the example above, the following information is displayed about the selected device:
Its UID is 00A112345678 (which is unique to this device).
Its DMX address range is 1 to 3 (its start address is 1, and it responds to 3 channels).
When it’s scrolling, the last line will read SLAMMO Creative Lightin (White LEDs only),
which means that the device model is a SLAMMO, it’s manufacturer is Creative Lightin
(the “g” has been cut off because only the first 16 characters can be displayed here), and
its programmable device label is currently saying that it is “White LEDs only”.
Pressing the increase/decrease button will scroll to the next/previous device UID that can be
discovered (wrapping around at the ends of the UID range). Pressing enter will start setting up
the selected device. Pressing escape will return to the RDM Setup menu.
The process for setting up an RDM device is split up into pages, with one page dedicated to each
RDM parameter (i.e. command) supported by the device. Navigation between the pages is
achieved by using the up and down buttons, and pressing escape will return to the Select Device
screen. Depending on the currently selected page, the increase, decrease and enter buttons will
have different effects.
There are two types of RDM parameter: standard and manufacturer-specific. Standard
parameters (if implemented) will have the same functionality for all RDM devices. A few
standard parameters must be handled by all devices, but many of them are optional.
Manufacturer-specific parameters are all optional and will only have the same functionality for
devices from the same manufacturer (if implemented).
When entering the Setup Device pages, one of the required standard parameters will always be
shown first. The following sections outline the setup pages for the required standard
parameters (the order of these pages will be the same regardless of device).
Setup Device Identify Device (standard, required)
The Identify Device page allows for the selected device to start or stop its identification process.
Pressing enter will cause the device to toggle between identifying and not identifying.
Setup Device DMX Start Address (standard, required)
The DMX Start Address page is used to set the current starting DMX address for the device. If
the device listens to more than one consecutive DMX channel, this is the first channel in that