User's Manual

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ADDICT v3.0.1 User Manual DMX512 and RDM (Remote Device Management) Functionality
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on each individual device to report the available parameters and their data formats (as specified
by the RDM standard). Note that a device is not required to report all its implemented
manufacturer-specific parameters, and so these unreported parameters cannot be configured
using the ADDICT
. Also, devices only provide information on how much data to use for a
parameter and don’t specify what the data means, so it may also be necessary to have a
datasheet from the manufacturer when using these parameters.
Setup Device SLAMMO Specific (Creative Lighting specific parameter)
Some Creative Lighting Control Freak
devices are capable of being controlled by more than one
interface (e.g. DMX, DALI or DSI) and the Device Mode page allows for the current operating
mode to be selected using RDM. Note that the device mode selected by RDM may still be
overridden by dipswitches on the device itself (if fitted). The current device mode is displayed
when the page is selected (if the device mode is being overridden by dipswitches, then the
switch selected mode will be displayed)
Press the increase and decrease buttons to select the device mode. Press enter to set the
selected device’s mode. After being set, the device mode will be retrieved again for
confirmation. If the device mode is being overridden, then the overriding mode will again be
displayed, but the internal RDM device mode will be whatever was just set (and will be the
operating mode if the override is removed).
Similar commands exist to change the following properties;
Output Inversion
Channel mode (1, 2, 3, or 4) Outputs
Log or Linear Dimming