Hardware manual

NexSys v. 3.0 Crest Audio Inc.
4.2 Communicating with the Bus Server
The Bus Server resides at an I/O address range in your PC. Its base address (the beginning
address of the range) is referred to as the Bus Servers I/O address, or I/O address for short.
This address is set using the DIP switches positioned on the Bus Servers mounting brack-
et (at the back of the PC). The default address used for Bus Server testing at the factory is
380 Hex. In some instances this address may be in partial or total conflict with other cards
that are installed in the host computer. For example, Ethernet network and sound cards all
have I/O addresses that may use the same address (in entirety) or may partially over lap. In
these instances the base I/O address must be moved to a vacant address. Some common free
I/O locations and the corresponding DIP switch settings for the Bus Server card are listed
in the Dip Switch Settings (Appendix C) at the end of this manual.
Changing the Bus Servers I/O Address
The Bus Servers I/O address as given by its DIP switches and its setting within the NexSys
software must agree. Changing the I/O address involves the following steps.
1. Set the Bus Server DIP switches to the desired
(See Appendix C for dip switch settings)
2. Press the Reset button on the Bus Server mounting
bracket in order for the new address to take effect.
3. NexSys must be informed of the address change --
open the Bus Server dialog (see the figure at left) by
selecting Options | Bus Server from the menu.
4. Select or type in the new address in the I/O Address
5. Press the Test button (see note below)
6. If the tests pass, NexSys can successfully communicate
with the Bus Server card. Select “Attach” so that
devices within NexSys can communicate.
7. If the test fails, you need to select a new I/O address at
the Bus Servers DIP switches and repeat the entire
process. (Rebooting the computer may also be
required in some instances.)
A note on the Bus Server diagnostics...
Pressing the Test button starts one of two tests. The first, the signature test, simply “looks”
to see if the Bus Server card is present. If it is, NexSys prompts you with a second, more
extensive test. The second is a test of the full I/O range the Bus Server will use. Warning:
of necessity ”Test Full I/O” is extensive and, if conflicts are found, it could crash your com-
puter. Save your work prior to conducting the full range test.
Once you’ve established a connection with the Bus Server, save the plan so that the new set-
ting will be in effect next time.
Page 4.2 Software Manual
Bus Server Dialog Window