Hardware manual

NexSys v. 3.0 Crest Audio Inc.
A red group mute LED indicates that all channels within that group are muted. A yellow
LED indicates that some channels within the group are muted. A gray or dimmed LED indi-
cates that no channel in the group is muted.
9.4 Control Hierarchy
A single amplifier channel may be con-
trolled from different points within
NexSys. Double clicking on the channel's
name within the inventory window will
open its control panel. This control panel is
the most direct way to control a channel
but there are other ways as well.
In the least complicated scenario, channel
"alpha" is part of the Plan inventory and no
groups have yet been defined. There are
two methods to change alpha's gain
(excluding snapshots): 1) directly via its
control panel, and 2) relatively, by moving
the Plan fader. The relative gain changes,
positive or negative, made at the Plan fader
will be added to or subtracted from the
alpha channel's current gain.
Control Hierarchy Examples
Now assume that alpha is also in a group named “Group 1.” The group fader is another way
of changing alpha's gain. It operates in the same manner as the Plan fader. What is impor-
tant to note is that the Plan fader has no effect on the group fader. They are at the same level
of control hierarchy.
The following two diagrams depict even more complicated scenarios (though ones quite
likely to occur in a real system). The first diagram shows that there are three channels in the
Plan, "alpha," "beta" and "gamma" and two groups, "group 1" and "group 2." Group 1 con-
tains channels alpha and gamma. Group 2 contains beta and gamma. The second diagram
shows the controls for each channel as well as the group and Plan faders. The group con-
trols and the Plan control do not affect each other but do affect the channels.
Page 9.4 Software Manual